The True Meaning Behind Valentine’s Day

“Love is a universal feeling, which is felt by every living being on this earth. Do not be surprised when I say ‘living beings’ because it is not just an attribute of human beings.” Res

Loving Old Age Couple

Loving Old Age Couple | Image Resource :

As a human it is one of the most satisfying emotions that one can experience. Everybody loves to be appreciated and needs somebody to love. You cannot define love in few words, each one of us has our own perspective about love. It is can affect someone physically as well as emotionally.

There are times when a person is not able to confess their love and affection for someone. Due to some reason we cannot speak our heart out. Many couples lose their emotional bonding few years after marriage. They forget that love and honesty is the foundation of any relationship. Celebration like Valentine’s Day reminds us about the value of love and relationship.

“The majesty of the feeling is such that it allows humans to treat each other with kindness and compassion.” Res

Sunset Dinner On Valentines Day

Sunset Dinner On Valentines Day | Image Resource :

On Valentine’s Day most couples make it a point to spend time with each other. Couples plan this day to impress each other and make the occasion memorable.

What exactly is valentine day?

Many couples don’t know much about valentine. They know it is the day of romance or love. However, not many know about the origin of this day. Well, In India there is a misconception that Valentine’s Day is created by Americans but this is not true. Valentine’s Day is a very ancient practice and it originated in Europe around A.D. 270. This was the day of couples. Soldiers were sent home for few hours to visit their wives. Everybody loves this festival but do you know the man who inspired couples to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

St. Valentine

St. Valentine | Image Resource :

Valentine was a saint who served the people of Rome in the 3rd century. During that era Emperor Claudius II noticed that men who were unmarried were better soldiers. So the emperor prohibited young men from his kingdom from getting married.

A soldier was prohibited from having romancing relationship. St Valentine considered this law as an unjust act. He not only protested but also married off many soldiers against the law of the kingdom. He preached that love is a gift of God and no one has the power to take it away. Due to Valentine’s resistance the Emperor captured and executed St. Valentine.  Even after his death, the legend of Valentine continued to spread across the globe and inspired many people to find love.

“St Valentine’s Day has roots in several different legends that have found their way to us through the ages.” Res

Two centuries after his death; at the end of fifth century, Pope Gelasius declared St. Valentine’s Day on February 14th to honour his service and sacrifice.

World’s first Valentine Note:

“Saint Valentine himself actually sent the first valentine.” Res

Surprised! It is true. The very first Valentine note was written by the saint himself. Valentine was also a physician and priest. It is believed that while he was imprisoned, St Valentine cured the vision of the jailor’s daughter through his spiritual power and service. The day before his execution Valentine wrote the letter/note to the cured girl thanking her for support and help. The note was signed “From Your Valentine”. This is the reason why many valentine cards today quote From Your Valentine in them.

From Your Valentine

From Your Valentine | Image Resource :

I’m from Goa and according to me it is the best place to celebrate Valentine’s Day. When you are in Goa, you have countless options for a romantic getaway. You should check out this amazing event organized by the Goa Tourism:

“The Goa Tourism Development Corporation will treat you to a romance package this Valentine’s Day. The Celebration will be on board Santa Monica,on 14th Feb, 2014 from 9.00 pm to 12. 00am. The cultural programme is managed by Event Management Agency ‘Goa Culture Guild’ with buffet dinner.” Res

I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day and hope that you are showered with love for the rest of your life!